It’s your inbox. Not theirs.

Block unsolicited cold emails and save weeks of your time every year.

Exclusively for
Audited by
Trusted by
CASA Tier 2 Certified

You’re wasting entire days filtering through the BS

46% of all email is spam

160B emails. That’s how many spammy emails are being sent every single day. And AI is definitely not making that number smaller.

95% of cold emails useless

Founders & execs report receiving over 30 cold emails every week, the vast majority being useless and irrelevant.

52 hours / year

Recipients say it takes them an average of 1.5min to deal with a cold email. Which comes down to 52 hours a year when you receive 30+/week.

Reclaim over a week’s worth of your time. Every year.

Create a free account

How Dismiss works

Connect your Gmail inbox

Dismiss is verified by Google and audited yearly by an independent contractor.

We do not store your email content and any sensible information is hashed so it cannot be read by anyone.

Set up your rules

Choose how you want Dismiss to handle cold emails for you.

Combine actions such as ‘Mark as read’, Label, Delete and Archive to achieve the right set up for you, or just choose our “quick setup” option.

Let Dismiss do the work

Sit back and relax. You will no longer be bothered by careless salespeople who just want to sell you stuff.

Set aside a slot in your weekly calendar to review cold emails, or just have Dismiss get rid of them entirely.

+ all the features you need


Never receive an email from that person or domain ever again.


Don’t filter any emails from specific people or domains.

Newsletter filtering

Never receive an email from that person or domain ever again.


$9 /month
Billed annually
Up to 2,500 Emails analysed /mo*
Apply All Rules Types
Custom LLM AI Model
CASA Tier 2 Certified Software
Whitelist senders
Blacklist senders
Try Free For 30 Days
$29 /month
Billed annually
Up to 2,500 Emails analysed /mo*
Apply All Rules Types
Custom LLM AI Model
CASA Tier 2 Certified Software
Whitelist senders
Blacklist senders
Try Free For 30 Days
* the average inbox receives 1,500 emails per month

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Dismiss?

Dismiss is the very first tool focused on protecting your Gmail inbox from annoying cold emails. Our goal is to help you focus on work that matters instead of wasting weeks of work every year dealing with unscrupulous salespeople.

Think of Dismiss as the “ad blocker” for email: a secure piece of software which makes your overall email experience better and more efficient.

How does Dismiss work?

Yes, Dismiss currently only works with Gmail inboxes. We are planning to add more email providers in the future but are currently focusing our efforts on the most commonly used service.

Is Dismiss secure?

Dismiss is completely safe to use for your inbox. We use the official Gmail API to access and treat the emails you receive following Google's guidelines.

We use third-party AI technology that does not store or use your data for any AI model training.

We only store the emails you receive so you can access them through the Dismiss app and see what emails we have flagged.

Finally, you define your own rules when using Dismiss. Whether you want to mark cold emails as 'read', delete them or even reply to them (soon), these are your choices to make and Dismiss will always respect them.

How does Dismiss handle my data?

All plans include a 30-day free trial. When your trial expires, you will get charged according to the plan that you selected. However, should you forget to cancel, you can always request a refund for up to 14 days after your first charge. Simply write to our support email (which you’ll find in the product) in order to request that.

Does Dismiss use AI?

We understand that people may have different views about cold emails: some just don't want to be disturbed in the middle of the day but are ok taking 30 minutes per week to read them, while others just want them gone forever.

One great thing about Dismiss is that you can choose what happens to cold emails when they are identified so that your preferences are always respected.

You may mark them as read, assign them a label (so that you can easily find them later), delete them and, soon, you will even be able you reply to them automatically.

How much does Dismiss cost?

We understand that people may have different views about cold emails: some just don't want to be disturbed in the middle of the day but are ok taking 30 minutes per week to read them, while others just want them gone forever.

One great thing about Dismiss is that you can choose what happens to cold emails when they are identified so that your preferences are always respected.

You may mark them as read, assign them a label (so that you can easily find them later), delete them and, soon, you will even be able you reply to them automatically.

What is your refund policy?

You may cancel the renewal of your subscription at any point in time, and can easily do so inside the product.

You may get a refund for up to 14 days after your first payment. To request it, please write to us to our support team's email address which you'll find in the Dismiss platform. This policy does not apply to payments that occur after your first payment.