annoying cold email notification

Say goodbye to annoying cold emails.

Stop receiving automated outreach emails you never asked for and
regain control of your professional Gmail inbox.

Dismiss is only compatible with Gmail

Cold Emails Are Killing Your Productivity

Think cold emails are a harmless, mild disturbance? Think again.

Useless Information

“Dear Ben, love what you’re doing at ACME”.

Sounds familiar? How about you stop receiving poorly written, automated one-liners so you can respond to things that actually matter?

Distracting Notifications

“I know you’re busy but...”

Of course you’re busy. Stop having your flow interrupted by unscrupulous marketers.

They don’t really care if you’re busy by the way.

They just want you to read their {{variable}}-filled email.

Inbox Cluttering

“Can I send over some more info?”

Having trouble finding that last important email thread in your inbox because it’s filled with unsolicited sales pitches?

56% of all emails are SPAM. And a good chunk of those are cold emails sent by unscrupulous marketers.

Endless Follow-ups

“I promise this is the last email I send you”

According to Hubspot, 80% of cold email sales happen after at least 5 follow-ups.

So guess what? You’re going to get at least 5 follow-ups from most people who try to sell you something unless you respond.

This is not normal. Your productivity and well-being should not suffer from it.

Protect Your Inbox From Sleazy Marketers

You don’t deserve to keep putting up with this. Get peace of mind, now.

Receive 2,920 less emails per year *

That’s right. Dismiss really makes your inbox calmer.

We use a variety of methods including whitelisting and blacklisting, AI and pattern-recognition to flag and handle the cold emails you receive.

* Based on 7 emails/day (average number of cold email flagged per day, per user, during private beta).

Get rid of cold emails
Define your own preferences

Handle Emails Like You Want To

Choose how you want cold emails to be treated by Dismiss. Mark them as ‘read’, delete them (or keep them to take a look later), apply a label, and more.

You can now be approached by salespeople on your terms.

Whitelist/Blacklist System

Want to be 100% sure you see emails from specific people or domains?

Or be certain you never ever see another email from that annoying sales rep?

Our whitelist/blacklist system has you covered, helping you email on your own terms.



Simple plans based on your usage, not features.

Up to 50 cold emails per month
Up to 200 cold emails per month
Unlimited cold emails per month.

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about Dismiss.

What is Dismiss?

Dismiss protects your inbox and keeps you focused so you no longer get distracted by agressive cold email strategies created by unscrupulous marketers.

As founders and executives, you are constantly solicited by SaaS companies, consulting firms, media sponsorships, and agencies who want to sell you their products and services. Only a very small fraction of those are relevant, and an even smaller share end up with anything meaningful for your business.

Dismiss prevents that by pre-emptively filtering cold outreach emails from your inbox, making sure you don’t receive a notification and that they are immediately put into a dedicated folder and marked as “read”.

Who is Dismiss for?

If you are receiving too many emails and wish less people could contact you out of the blue, then Dismiss is for you.

Our users are often founders, startup executives and employees who are constantly getting sold to and are tired of it. During our beta phase, we identified and treated 13 cold emails per day on average, which amounts to nearly 5,000 emails per year. Imagine if you spent 2 minutes to read (and potentially reply to) each of them: that’s over 160 hours of work per year, which you just saved.

Do you think saving 4 weeks of your time is worth more than the $200 Dismiss would cost for a yearly subscription to the Unlimited plan? So do we.

What is the difference between Dismiss and Gmail's "Promotions" tab?

Marketers know have techniques to get past the "Promotions" or "Notifications" tab that Gmail provides, and it's really not that hard.

Start by warming up your email address with a cheap email warming tool so it improves sender reputation. And then make sure you don't add too much red flags in your emails such as the word "free" or a bunch of links. It's that simple.

That's why most of the cold emails you receive actually arrive in your main inbox.

Secondly, Dismiss allows you to keep tabs on cold emails specifically. You may not want to delete them or have lost in a sea of other commercial emails like newsletter and sales promotions. Sometimes cold emails are in fact useful and it's nice to be able to find them thanks to a dedicated label when you decide you want to.

Finally, Dismiss will ultimately allow you to reply to these cold emails automatically. This will help interrupt email sequences (and therefore save yourself and the planet some emails), making Dismiss a much more solid solution than the Promotions tab if you have a cold email problem.

And that's only if you even use the Promotions tab setting in your Gmail inbox. Many people choose not to so that they can keep sorting their emails by "not read first".

Does Dismiss only work with Gmail accounts?

Yes, Dismiss currently only works with Gmail inboxes. We are planning to add more email providers in the future but are currently focusing our efforts on the most commonly used service.

Is Dismiss safe to use for my inbox?

Dismiss is completely safe to use for your inbox. We use the official Gmail API to access and treat the emails you receive following Google's guidelines.

We use third-party AI technology that does not store or use your data for any AI model training.

We only store the emails you receive so you can access them through the Dismiss app and see what emails we have flagged.

Finally, you define your own rules when using Dismiss. Whether you want to mark cold emails as 'read', delete them or even reply to them (soon), these are your choices to make and Dismiss will always respect them.

How does the Dismiss free trial work?

All plans include a 7-day free trial. When your trial expires, you will get charged according to the plan that you selected. However, should you forget to cancel, you can always request a refund for up to 14 days after your first charge. Simply write to our support email (which you’ll find in the product) in order to request that.

What happens to emails that are flagged by Dismiss?

We understand that people may have different views about cold emails: some just don't want to be disturbed in the middle of the day but are ok taking 30 minutes per week to read them, while others just want them gone forever.

One great thing about Dismiss is that you can choose what happens to cold emails when they are identified so that your preferences are always respected.

You may mark them as read, assign them a label (so that you can easily find them later), delete them and, soon, you will even be able you reply to them automatically.

What is your refund/cancellation policy?

You may cancel the renewal of your subscription at any point in time, and can easily do so inside the product.

You may get a refund for up to 14 days after your first payment. To request it, please write to us to our support team's email address which you'll find in the Dismiss platform. This policy does not apply to payments that occur after your first payment.